Dylan Gray Consulting

Dylan Gray Consulting

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Migrate Data: Salesforce Data Migration

Migrate Data Salesforce

What is Data Migration?

Data Migration is the process of transferring data from one location or data storage system to another, between applications and formats. When a new system is introduced, the existing data is prepared, extracted, and transformed from the legacy system and transferred or augmented into the new application. Every business at some point has to conduct large data migration to improve business efficiency and protect the business brand.

The Benefits of Salesforce Data Migration

  1. Clean, complete data load means being able to market and sell to the right people effectively
  2. Clean, complete data load means reports, dashboards and analytics are reliable and actionable
  3. Clean, complete data across systems gives a 360-degree view of the customer improving service
  4. If your team have the right data at the right time, they make better decisions faster
  5. If your leadership have the right data, they can make better operational decisions

Risks with Data Migration

The Salesforce Data Migration process can easily be a complex process with high risks of updating the wrong records irreversibly.

For instance, when combining the outlook contact records for 20 salespeople and loading them into an existing salesforce, how do you match the outlook contact to the right salesforce account, as Outlook does not have standardized accounts? Which fields on the contact record are more accurate, Salesforce CRM or Outlook? If two sales reps have the same contact with different phone numbers, which one wins? And then how about linked orders or financial transactions and on and on it’s not trivial.

In short data migration takes a lot of time, can be complex and when not handled properly, you can experience loss of data, a breach in data security, and loss of time and money. With that in mind, the best option would be to leave the process to the experts, Migrate Data.

Why Migrate Data

With DGC & Migrate Data, your data is in safe hands, data is what we do. With 25 years of data migration CRM & cleaning experience, the team have handled thousands of data-related projects for some of the largest brands.

Leveraging the industry standard PDM 2.0 methodology and in-house specialist tools, our team will save you time and money because we handle the entire project seamlessly, so you won’t have to stress about the complexity or the risks.

DGC Partnership

With Dylan Gray Consulting as the sole US representative of Migrate Data, we can offer you Migrate Data services to, from, and within Salesforce and other applications, as part of a bigger project or sole service in your time zone and billing in USD.

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