Dylan Gray Consulting

Dylan Gray Consulting

Work Smarter. Manage Better. Grow Faster.

About Us

With 20+ years under our belts, we know what works...

Who We Are

Dylan Gray Consulting is a trusted full service Salesforce.com and Conga.com consulting partner based in Houston, TX. With 20+ years Salesforce.com experience and 100+ implementations from 2 – 3,500 users, we know what works.

Dylan Gray

What We Do

Dylan and his team work with owners and stakeholders to transform the performance of sales, marketing & operations by solving immediate issues, optimizing roles, process, tools, data, reporting, management metrics and training to drive sales, marketing & operational effectiveness helping leaders build for the future.

Why Dylan Gray Consulting

In today’s rapidly changing digital environment, your business needs are constantly evolving. Dylan Gray Consulting makes sure your company evolves with them. We work with clients to devise the optimal strategy, approach, and plan that will work with your budget and structure.

Dylan Gray Consulting & Community

Our chosen community project is the Kasanka Trust, which receives 10% of our profits beginning in 2021. Kasanka Trust works, amongst other things, to address:

If we want children to flourish, to become truly empowered, let us allow them to love the Earth before we ask them to save it.”

David Sobel
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What Our Clients Think

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We earned their trust, and we will work just as hard to earn your trust too.

Dylan Gray Consulting



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